Shanker Processed Foods presents the 1964 animated hit...

Process Foods 'n' U

It's a processed world after all! - That's the endearing message of the 1964 animated masterpiece Process Foods 'n' U. Join the Shanker Processed Chicken and Flav-R-Fish and all the little children of the world as they fight Abdominal Cramp and his Henchman-the dreaded Moldamiser it's a music filed quest to process and preserve natures bounty. Features the classic songs Gray's a Luv-a-lee Color and Mold, Cold & Sold.

Process Foods 'n' U Branded products from our promopals

Processed Foods 'n' U Bag 'n' Tag Food Tagging System
Processed Foods 'n' U Crystal Drain Cleaner
Processed Foods 'n' U: Choke on the Chicken Skill Game
Processed themed fun!

Impress your friends with a Yeeeoww!!! Couture Shanker Processed Chicken T-shirt. Double-down by downloading, printing and cutting out your own collectible, tradeable Process Foods 'n' U yCard!